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How to meditate while mommyin' a toddler

What would happen if you just stopped your kids' favorite show (in our house it would be Beat Bugs or Sarah & Duck) and sat down in the giant pile of laundry that still needs to be folded, and instructed your child to meditate? What would happen if, in the middle of a meltdown, you begged your child to meditate instead of scream at the top of their lungs?

What if this actually worked...omg can we just imagine for a second? I know my prayers would be answered if all the tantrums and meltdowns would stop that easily. However, this would probably just create more chaos and confusion, especially if your child doesn't see you meditate or has never practiced it with you before. Now, sometimes I do leave the Netflix show on and the laundry on the floor and get my meditation on while I can.

But, if you want mediation to be apart of your routine and therefore apart of your child's routine as well...

Create space. What does this mean? Holding space. Just like if you were to teach your child how to would plan for it and tell them ahead of time (especially if this is their first time), then excitedly bring them into the kitchen right!? You would collect your tools (apron, utensils, measuring cups, pots/pans etc) and mentally prepare for what you were about to make. You would explain certain things, but leave room for them to explore and learn on their own too. Most importantly, you would make it fun, right?! And then for them to really grasp the concept, you would make this apart of your daily or weekly routine, right?

Same with meditation. I created the space first. I set up a comfy spot on the floor with an altar. This space can include anything you want. My altar is really just my old printer and a pillowcase on top of it, so that I have a makeshift shelf to put my crystals, fresh flowers, feathers, candles cards and/or handwritten intentions on. Hey, whatever works! And just by creating this space, Willow started to make her own altar too, all on her own! She collected art she had made, her crystals, seashells, a battery powered candle and she loves to pick a few angel cards too.

Then you know what we did? We sat there. We held space for meditation. Turned down the lights, lit the candles, took deep breaths together, pulled some cards and picked a crystal to carry around with us for the day, and set the intention (or purpose) of said crystal. We also named three things we were grateful for. We did this every day for awhile and now we do it every once in awhile. It is so calming for both of us and has allowed us to connect even more deeply.

Also, I think the best way to teach children how to meditate is to allow them to see you practicing it as much as possible. Set the example. Let them witness you creating time and space for slowing down and tuning in. They will instinctually start to copy you. All I have to say is, “I’m gonna sit at the altar for a bit, in about 10 minutes.” And if she wants to join me, she sits down with me! And usually, she does want to join me! AND, THIS IS THE BEST PART...if she doesn't wan to join me, she knows to give me space and play quietly next to me or in the next room. Simply because I've created the space, included her in the space and now telling her that I'm about to hold this space down and do some meditating.

Another, mediation practice we both enjoy is to give each other crystal healing sessions. She’ll lay down and I’ll place crystals on her (sometimes one on each Chakra or just random/intuitively place them on her) and guide her to close her eyes and relax each part of her body. Then we’ll switch and she’ll do it to me! This is probably the cutest thing ever btw. She guided me to relax my body while putting crystals on me and massaged my shoulders. Kids are super connected to their Third Eye Chakra, or intuition… if you allow them to be! So, they are natural healers.

Every once in awhile now, we refresh our altars (usually around the New or Full Moon) by dusting, cleaning, rearranging, adding something new or taking something away, pulling new cards, and/or re-setting our intentions. Sometimes she's apart of this process and sometimes she's not.

I hope this helps, I was asked by a friend to share some tips on meditation while mommin' a toddler! Please let me know how else I could help with this! Happy meditating! Also, if you do create a space I would love to see a picture and hear your feedback on meditating with your sweet babes! Let me know how it goes by tagging me on Instagram @sagehealing

Much love and many


Dana and Willow

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